Transform Your Communications with Culturally Smart AI Prompts:

21 Ways to Engage

Diverse Audiences

Step into a new era of copywriting where cultural intelligence meets artificial intelligence. With the 21 Culturally Smart AI Prompts, you’ll craft content that not only resonates with diverse audiences but also drives impactful results.

But first, what do I mean by “culturally smart”? When I say culturally smart content, I’m talking about written, visual or multimedia materials crafted with thoughtfulness, inclusivity and respect for diverse audiences.

This isn’t just about using inclusive language, but also ensuring diverse representation, incorporating cultural relevance, and presenting information in an unbiased, fact-based way. It’s all about keeping it real, respectful and relevant.

And with that said, it’s time to say goodbye to guesswork and clichés, and hello to authentic, engaging content that speaks directly to your audience.

These 21 culturally smart AI prompts will help you navigate the nuances of language, avoid biases, and create content that truly connects.

Whether you’re crafting a persuasive sales email, an engaging social media post, or compelling ad copy, our prompts got you covered.

Each one is carefully crafted to guide you in creating content that’s not just inclusive but also persuasive and effective.

Here's what’s waiting for you inside:

Inclusive Language

Get prompts guide you to use gender-neutral, person-first terminology that avoids stereotypes and biases.

Diverse Representation

Ensure your content features a range of races, ethnicities, ages, abilities, gender identities and more.

Cultural Relevance

Incorporate cultural nuances, traditions, and perspectives in a respectful and relevant way.

Unbiased Framing

Present information objectively, avoiding harmful stereotypes or unfounded assumptions about your audience.

Fact-Based Approach

Base your claims and narratives in credible, well-researched sources.

Empowering Tone

Use an uplifting, strengths-based voice that avoids victimization or the perpetuation of marginalized identities as “other.”

With the 21 Culturally Smart AI Prompts, you’ll know how to foster a sense of belonging, understanding and trust among diverse audiences.

It’s time to step into the world of culturally smart communication and experience the difference. Start crafting content that truly resonates.

I just had to reach out and give you a massive shoutout for the workshop. Your training on crafting compelling marketing and sales content with AI-powered persuasion was pure gold. You had us all captivated with your AI secrets and your strategies left us in awe! Working with you was a total breeze!

Gemma Bonham

Digital Marketer

About the Creator + Founder

Hey, I’m Apryl Beverly

I’m a copywriter, CEO and author who’s been in the game for 20+ years and have helped clients pull in $3 billion in revenue.

I use, teach and train on AI content creation but the one thing that every tool seems to miss is a diverse experience. They all take prompt after prompt to write in a way that resonates with diverse, multicultural audiences.

Frustrated with the limitations of existing AI copywriting tools, I developed PRO to provide a culturally smart solution that resonates with diverse audiences.

We want slang. We want messaging that gets us and our people. And AI was not giving any of that … until now.

Aipro not only writes great copy but also understands and respects the diverse cultures of its users. Here, the conversational style of writing you want is the initial response. Of course, you can ask Aipro to go “more formal,” and it’ll gladly rise to the occasion.

Listen, Aipro is taking over for the ’24 and forever. Ok, I channeled my inner Cash Money Records right there, but for real …

The platform is similar to the others so there’s no learning curve to getting Aipro to write great copy from the start. But the vibe and culturally smart sales copy is in a class all its own.

Don’t miss out on the chance to add some flava to your copywriting process.

Join our VIP waitlist today and be among the first to experience the power of culturally smart AI copywriting!

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